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Collaborate with producers and archive researchers to inspire your story. Find the unexpected.

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Our customers love us

At I Mediate Clearance, we particularly appreciate the wide variety of Alamy's photographic collections covering a wide range of historical events and periods. In addition, we would like to emphasise the availability and friendliness of the sales team, who are always on hand to respond to our specific requests in a timely manner.
I Mediate Groupe

Your 4K & HD video partner

Enhance your production with over 6 million video clips and source simple royalty-free licenses with confidence.

Who we work with

  • Amazon Studio
  • Netflix
  • Apple TV Plus
  • BBC
  • Avalon
  • Disney

Added benefits

Free content research

Work with our content research experts to surface the unexpected quickly.


Whatever content you choose, you’re covered. Request bespoke agreements.

VIP service

One-to-one support and guidance with a human touch at no extra cost.

Bespoke licensing

Customise content licenses for every project. Ask us about flexible pricing options.

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On the blog

Q&A with rights clearance expert Ashley Kravitz

Navigating rights clearances in the world of entertainment.

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