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How to sell vectors on Alamy

How to sell vectors on Alamy

Additional revenue options from selling vectors

You can make even more money from your vectors by taking part in our additional revenue options.

Sell stock vectors though our global distribution network

We sell vectors globally through our website and sales teams. We also have a large network of specialist stock photo agencies who distribute your vectors in countries and regions that we don’t work with directly. Opt in and you’ll get either 20% or 40% commission on the money we receive (after the distributor commission has been deducted) depending on what commission model you’re on. The commission split is different because there’s a third party involved.

Our distribution network brings in 15% of Alamy’s annual revenue so we definitely think it’s worth considering if you want to increase the potential for your vectors to make more money.

You can sign up to distribution at any time and you can choose the territories that you’d like to sign up for.

For more info and to sign up, click here or go to the ‘Additional revenue options’section of your contributor dashboard.

Sell your vectors under unique and novel schemes

We’re always looking for new ways to grow our business, whether that’s with the next big idea or a tailored solution for a key client. The vectors in the novel use pool give us the freedom to explore these schemes, prototypes and trials, with a variety of prices and licenses. The commission split is the same as you would receive for a direct sale.

For more info and to sign up, click here or go to the ‘Additional revenue options’ section of your contributor dashboard.