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Why should I sell stock imagery on Alamy?

Why should I sell stock imagery on Alamy?

Useful summary of the Alamy contract

If you want to see the full terms and conditions, you can check out the Alamy contributor contract here, but in summary here’s the small print in larger print (basically all the legal wording written in plain English):

  • You are signing up to submit images and have them sold by Alamy
  • You also have the option to sell through our network of distributors
  • You are responsible for the content you upload, and you must be the copyright holder or have their permission
  • The information you supply must be correct, particularly when talking about model or property releases
  • You will caption and keyword your images
  • Prices are determined by Alamy
  • Alamy’s customers cannot use photos for pornographic, defamatory or any other unlawful purposes
  • If you earn less than $250 gross in a revenue year you will receive 20% commission on direct sales
  • If you earn more than $250 gross in a revenue year you will receive 40% commission on direct sales
  • If you earn more than $25,000 gross in a revenue year you will receive 50% commission on direct sales on images exclusive to Alamy
  • We report sales to you as soon as we know about them
  • We’ll pay you every month if your balance is over $50
  • You can quit with just 45 days notice