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How to sell Live News images on Alamy

How to sell Live News images on Alamy

What images can I send to Alamy Live News?

If you want to sell news photos you need to recognise what makes a good news, sport or entertainment picture: it should stop us in our tracks when flicking through our newspaper, but it is difficult to define. A news image could be a shot of a momentous event, an arresting image of a politician at an otherwise boring press conference, a celebrity in a marathon or of a beautiful sunrise. You will know it when you take it. The images all need to be of the moment and submitted to us within minutes of the event taking place.

Pick up a newspaper or switch on the news to see what news photography is all about. It’s not just scandal and disaster.

For more inspiration, see our Live News & Reportage category, follow us on Twitter or take a look at what’s on the Alamy News Feed right now.

Technical criteria

We need:

  1. JPEG images uploaded as soon as possible
    Images older than 24 hours will be rejected (except in exceptional circumstances).
  2. IPTC headline, caption and date added before you upload
    You need to add these in the correct IPTC metadata fields of the images before you upload.
  3. A true representation of what you saw
    Nothing should be added, removed or altered (e.g. the image should not be lightened/darkened in a way that changes sunny clouds into thunderous clouds).
  4. Images of the highest quality possible
    We understand that there are some occasions where they won’t be technically perfect.

For more information you should check out our Live News Policies.