Alamy Stock Photo / Saraya Cortaville

Instagram feature with travel photographer Saraya Cortaville

This month we want to shine the light on contributor Saraya Cortaville who enjoys travelling to remote parts of the world and immersing herself in local communities. On her travels she is able to make a special connection with people and capture her surroundings in great detail.

Here’s what Saraya said when we spoke to her.

CG: How did your journey in photography start?

SC: I started out as a graphic designer and then migrated over to the world of photography as a way of capturing creative images. I assisted in a commercial studio initially helping with shoots and then my love of portrait photography and travel developed. I’ve been a photographer now for over 20 years and it has been a wonderful career that has enabled me to meet some amazing people and visit some incredible countries.

CG: Can you tell us where you’ve travelled?

SC: I’ve been lucky enough to travel to some wonderfully remote places where not many other people will ever get to see. Such as India, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Madagascar, Tanzania, Nepal, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Morrocco. All of them are amazing to photograph and each has their different cultures and unique qualities.

CG: Your travel images capture a sense of authenticity, tell us a story behind one of your images.

SC: I’m very lucky to be able to stay within the communities for long periods of time and can really immerse myself in their culture. I believe this is what gives my images a sense of the place where I am with a realness that other photographers may not capture. I’ve made some wonderful memories whilst traveling. One of my most favourite images is one that I took for WaterAid in Madagascar of two best friends, the expressions and moment between them is just so heart-warming.

Alamy Stock Photo / Saraya Cortaville

CG: What draws you to travel photography?

SC: I’ve always been drawn to people and cultures around the world, I find the ways in which we are all so similar and so different at the same time fascinating. I love how I can communicate with people in the world with a smile and make a connection through my photography, it always amazes me how friendly and welcoming people are.

CG: Can you tell us about a project you are currently working on?

SC: I’m working on various different projects currently, and this is what keeps my creativity active. My favourite however, is a portfolio that I am putting together from my recent travels to a beautiful village called Sikles near Pokhara, Nepal in October.

Alamy Stock Photo / Saraya Cortaville

CG: What would your advice be for someone just starting their journey in photography?

SC: Be passionate and really care about what you are shooting, give something of yourself! Only this way will you really want to take strong and meaningful images that speak to the viewer, as your passion will shine through.

Check out Saraya Cortaville amazing travel collection here.

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Chantelle Greenough

Chantelle graduated with a photography degree in 2020 and started her journey in photography as a technician. With a passion for analogue photography, Chantelle is on a mission to uncover creative content on Alamy.

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